As the most ethnically and socioeconomically diverse area in our state, East Charlotte is filled with diversity, opportunity, division, and tension. The ongoing urban renewal in East Charlotte has led to opportunity for some and pain for others. It’s in the midst of the beauty, brokenness, pain, and possibility that God has burdened a community of faith to give their lives for the good of all people. CCF is a new faith community that is seeking to grow a diverse family of people in the way of Jesus for East Charlotte. CCF is led by Ramone Bellagamba.

CAlling People to…

  • “We define being with Jesus by the intentions of our heart and the intentionality of our time. We want to hunger and thirst after Jesus because he’s great, we want our hunger and thirst for Jesus to lead us to spend time with Jesus. It’s time spent in his word, in prayer, personally and corporately. We’re seeking to be with Jesus. As such, to be with Jesus looks like, loving Him with our whole heart & pursuing Him with our whole life.”

  • “The end of our discipleship journey with Jesus is for us to become like Jesus. This is a process where we grow in love & we grow by grace. We grow in love. We grow to love God with all our heart, love ourselves rightly, and love our neighbors sincerely. We grow by grace. We grow by grace into the life of the Beloved, as God’s Spirit works in us through His Word, through His people, and through our practices. This ongoing work tells an outrageous story, the gospel. Mysteriously yet magnificently, our very lives become a picture of the gospel, it’s sacramental. As such, to become like Jesus is pursuing a sacramental life where we’re growing in love & growing by grace. His mind is our own. His heart is our own. His ways are our own. His work is our work. We look like our savior.”

  • “A sacramental life is a sacrificial life. We give ourselves to God in worship and we give ourselves to others in service living a life on mission. We seek to serve & be a blessing to all people. We’re especially attentive to the pain of those people overlooked and disregarded. We’re keenly aware of brokenness in all communities and seek the common good of where we live, learn, work and play. We seek to be ambassadors of healing and hope as ambassadors of Jesus & His kingdom. We pray His Kingdom Come and we embody the words that we speak. As such, living for the sake of the world is giving our lives for the good of all people because we’re living our lives for Jesus & His Kingdom.”


  • We believe in one God existing as three divine Persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), who are eternally perfect, the Creator of all things, and actively working to redeem humanity and restore creation.

  • We believe God has revealed Himself through creation, Jesus Christ, and the Scriptures, which are inspired, authoritative, and error-free, and emphasizes the importance of believing, obeying, and trusting the Bible as God's instruction, command, and pledge, equipping believers as disciples and witnesses of the gospel.

  • We believe that God created human beings, male and female, in his own image. Adam and Eve belonged to the created order that God himself declared to be very good, serving as God’s agents to care for, manage, and govern creation, living in holy and devoted fellowship with their Maker.

  • We believe that Adam, created in God's image, fell into sin and as a result, all humanity is alienated from God, corrupted in every aspect, and condemned to death. The ultimate need of humans is reconciliation with God, and their only hope is God's undeserved love and intervention for rescue and restoration.

  • We believe that God, in His grace, determined to save a multitude of sinners from all nations, foreknowing and choosing them. Through faith in Jesus, God justifies, sanctifies, and will ultimately glorify them, all for the praise of His grace.

  • We believe that that the gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ, centering on His death and resurrection, which is the power of God for salvation.

  • We believe that Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became fully God and fully human, fulfilling the role of the promised Messiah. Through His incarnation, life, death, resurrection, and ascension, He accomplished salvation, reconciling humanity to God and offering eternal life to those who believe in Him.

  • We believe that through Christ's obedience and death, He fully paid the debt of those who are justified, satisfying God's justice on their behalf. Justification is solely by God's free grace, received through faith alone in Christ,

  • We believe that salvation, as revealed in Scripture and accomplished by Jesus Christ, is applied to believers by the Holy Spirit.

  • We believe that those who are saved by God's grace through faith in Christ enter His kingdom, experiencing forgiveness, transformation, and the hope of future glory

  • We believe that God's new covenant people, represented in local churches with Christ as the head, have already entered the heavenly Jerusalem. The church is characterized by its gospel message, love for God and others, and serves as a sign of peace and reconciliation among diverse peoples, empowered by the indwelling of God's Spirit.

  • We believe that baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordained by Jesus, symbolizing entrance into the covenant community and ongoing renewal. They serve as God's pledge, means of grace, and public vows of submission, while also anticipating Christ's return and the ultimate fulfillment of all things.

  • We believe in the future return of Jesus Christ as the final Judge, the bodily resurrection of the just and unjust, and the eternal destinies of heaven and hell.


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